Location: Neosho, Missouri

Your guide around this energetic campus is the University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy in St. Louis Campus Map.

It looks like you’re asking about the University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy in St. Louis and its connection to Neosho, Missouri. However, the University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy (UHSP) is located in St. Louis, Missouri, and not in Neosho.

This map will help you at every turn, whether you’re going to the Pharmacy building for lectures or stopping by the campus café for a bite to eat. Visit the cutting-edge learning labs or stroll through the serene green areas.

You are prepared to make the most of your stay here, regardless of where you end up going next.

UHSP Campus Map 2024

University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy in St. Louis Campus Map 2024


What is St. Louis college of Pharmacy called now?

St. Louis College of Pharmacy is now called the University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy in St. Louis (UHSP).

What is the acceptance rate for St. Louis college of Pharmacy?

The acceptance rate for the University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy in St. Louis (UHSP) is approximately 72%.

Does SLU have a pharmacy program?

Saint Louis University (SLU) does not have its own pharmacy program, but students can complete pre-pharmacy coursework before transferring to a pharmacy school like UHSP.

What division is the university of Health Sciences and Pharmacy?

The University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy (UHSP) competes in NCAA Division III.

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