Ozarks Technical Community College Campus Map
Location: Cottleville, Missouri
Use the most recent Ozarks Technical Community College Campus Map to prepare for your exploration of the campus.
Ozarks Technical Community College (OTC) has a campus in Cottleville, Missouri, known as the OTC Mid Rivers Campus. This campus provides a range of associate degree and certificate programs, workforce training, and transfer opportunities to four-year universities. OTC is a public community college system based in Springfield, Missouri, with multiple campuses serving students across the region.
This map will show you the path regardless of whether you’re going to the Library or the Information Commons. In between classes, you can relax and get a bite to eat at the Student Center.
The campus is easy to navigate because all the important locations are signposted and the directions are straightforward!
OTC Campus Map 2024

How many students attend Ozarks Technical Community College?
Ozarks Technical Community College (OTC) has approximately 11,000 students enrolled across its campuses.
What is the difference between a technical school and a community college?
The main difference between a technical school and a community college is the focus of education. Technical schools provide specialized, career-focused training in fields like healthcare, technology, and trades. Community colleges offer a broader curriculum, including academic transfer degrees and workforce training.
Does Springfield OTC have dorms?
Springfield OTC does not have on-campus dorms. Students typically arrange off-campus housing.
Is Ozark Technical community college accredited?
Ozarks Technical Community College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), ensuring its programs meet academic and institutional standards.